Monday, January 12, 2015

Read This Everday

Note to Self: Read This Everyday

Job searching sucks. Don't even get me started on the ways I have been rejected: by phone, by e-mail, in person...and the worst form, being ignored. I hate when places don't just come out and say, "Sorry, we found someone else." It's like giving your number to a guy and never getting a call or a text. 

And of course if you are job searching you are either a.) unemployed, b.) underemployed, c.) unsatisfied with your job, or d.) relocating or other such related reasons. None of those situations are ideal, except maybe if you like where you are relocating. I could really go for some relocating to Hawaii or something right now. Minnesota winters. . . bur. 

Anyway, so I've noticed I've been getting super down on myself. Which then affects my work. And if you work in education, you need every ounce of positive energy you can get. 

So I've decided to motivate myself. A pep talk everyday. I've made a list of things to read to myself everyday. I've made one for myself as a teacher (as soon as I actually get a teaching position), and one for myself right now. My thought is, if I read this everyday, I will eventually internalize it, and it will permanently become a part of me. Here it is so far: 

1. "When opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -Milton Berle
      This is a brand new day to impress someone and show them what you're worth. Go do 
2. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." -Steve Jobs
      It may not be worth the pay, but it's worth it for the students.
3. "Be yourself, but always your better self." -Karl G. Maeser
      Push yourself to be a better person, but don't lose your genuine self in the process.

That's it so far. I wanted to keep it short and sweet, since I'll be reading it everyday. And I feel like it encompasses the aspects of my life that need to the most improvement: self confidence and outgoing-ness. 

What would you add to this list? 

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